What do the most sought-after companies to work for have in common?
What is it that they do so well that they’re named one of the top 20 places to work in New Zealand? We spent some time looking into what employers prioritise and what employees cite as the most attractive places to work.
1. Show you care
Never has it been so important to have a culture of care in the workplace. With Covid-19 enforcing isolation and social distancing, many employees can feel disconnected and uncertain about the future. They want to know that the business they work for really cares. That the work they do is appreciated and their ideas, contribution, and suggestions are valued. A business who shows they care leads to happier employees, who are highly motivated and productive.
2. Mental health & wellbeing
Two years of Covid-19 and hybrid working has created a higher degree of burn out and stress. Many have been juggling work commitments with home schooling while also managing the household. Add to this the anxiety of job security and the state of the economy in general. Some of the best companies recognised quickly that staff wellbeing would require more compassion and empathy, and a degree of adaptability to help ensure the business could continue operating effectively.
3. Be authentic
People work at their best when they feel free to be themselves. When they are not afraid of the consequences of tripping up. Hybrid working means there is little separation between the traditional work persona and the outside of work one. It can be exhausting and almost impossible to keep these personalities apart. As a manager this means providing an environment where people are not afraid of making a mistake, where they feel comfortable speaking up, where constructive feedback is welcome. This also requires reciprocation, so in most award-winning businesses the management team leads by example.
4. Be flexible
Now more than ever a flexible workplace is on everyone’s list. When it comes to the best places to work Covid-19 has compelled employers to rethink their work-from-anywhere policies. For the first time, employees are considering options such as relocating and working remotely. Some employees are rethinking the number of hours they work. Would a four-day week be possible or an early start with an early finish? Embracing flexibility and being open minded about different ways of working will make you more attractive to work for.
5. Recognise and reward
Acknowledging your people is a critical part of attraction and retention. Whether it’s recognising someone who’s been working hard or celebrating a personal success. Companies that regularly feature as one of the top companies to work for all have recognition and reward as a priority. They also embrace a broader definition of success, whether it be small wins, a personal milestone or conquering a particularly challenging task.
6. Learning and development
Flexibility doesn’t work for all businesses. At the same time, it is important to retain valuable staff and not lose them to businesses who provide the option. It’s for this reason that smart businesses are ramping up their training programmes, demonstrating an eagerness to support an employee’s current and future needs. It’s about elevating the employee professionally and personally. By investing in the future capabilities of your employees you’re empowering them to work more efficiently and effectively for the business.
Making your company an attractive place to work for employees takes commitment. Compensation alone isn’t enough, particularly in the current environment where people are facing the challenges that come with a pandemic. By looking at award winning business and understanding what they do well, you too can create a business that’s a great place to work for your current team and respected and sought after by future candidates.
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