Career Advice Resources

The 5 P’s of Professional Growth and Career Development

Professional development is a continuous journey, one that requires thoughtful reflection and strategic action. If you want to drive your career forward, understanding the fundamental aspects of this journey can significantly enhance both career satisfaction and success. The 5 P’s of professional growth and career development offer the ideal framework to guide this process: Purpose,…

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5 Ps Professional Growth

Navigating Workplace Flexibility: A Win Win Perspective

In the ever-evolving landscape of the modern workplace, the word ‘flexibility’ carries profound significance. It’s a term that echoes in the corridors of both job seekers and employers, signifying its pivotal role in today’s recruitment process. However, flexibility isn’t a one-dimensional concept; rather, it’s a multifaceted gem that holds immense value for both employers and…

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Workplace flexibility refers to the ability to adapt when, where, and how work is carried out.

Twelve ways to help improve your problem-solving skills

Problem-solving skills are essential for any professional. Having strong problem-solving skills helps you generate ideas, make better decisions, minimise errors and find solutions quickly. This leads to improved outcomes for the company or your client and can even help you stand out from the competition. Having the ability to come up with creative and efficient…

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Twelve ways to help improve your problem-solving skills

9 Strategies for building trust with colleagues

Building trust with colleagues is an essential part of any enjoyable workplace. Without it, it is difficult to build positive relationships, and going to work could become a stressful and an unpleasant experience. Trust amongst colleagues leads to a happier work environment, where everyone feels respected and valued. Having trust encourages mutual respect and empathy…

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Building trust with colleagues

Self-criticism at work – how to overcome the inner critic

In healthy doses, self-criticism can be a valuable tool for improvement. But too much self-criticism can be overwhelming and detrimental to our wellbeing. If you tend to be overly self-critical about your performance, accomplishments, or abilities in the workplace, then it might be time to step back and take a closer look. Learning how to…

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Self criticism at work

360-degree performance appraisal – what to expect

You’re coming up to the one-year mark at a new company and your first 360-degree performance appraisal is looming. Whilst you may be familiar with traditional performance appraisals, you have no idea what to expect from a 360-degree review. What is it? And how does it work? Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered with our…

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360 degree performance appraisal

Working from home? Here are five ways to stay focused

The way we work has transformed. Employers now offer a working from home option or hybrid arrangements that provide jobseekers with flexibility. While working from home has many benefits, it’s not for everyone. It can be challenging to stay focused. We’ve put together our top tips to help you navigate the challenges that come with…

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Man working from home

Exploring your career options: five steps to success

Feeling a little confused about where you’re going in your career? Love your job but feel like you’re lacking direction? It might be time to revisit your career options goal. Even if you have started your working life with a firm career plan – it’s easy to get lost in the noise of the day…

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Exploring your career options

Five tips to nail online interviews

Online interviews are here to stay and just like an in-person interview – preparation and practice is the key to success. Whether you have welcomed the age of remote working or are camera shy, we’ve got you covered with our five tips to nail a virtual interview. 1. Prepare and test your setup There is…

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Preparing for online interviews