Business culture

What are the procrastinator behaviours in your team?

There is no denying that we are all procrastinators in one way or another. In fact, there are six types of procrastinator behaviours. For the manager trying to supervise procrastinators it can be very frustrating. If an employee isn’t doing what is asked or expected, or isn’t meeting deadlines, it impacts not only the business…

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Procrastinator behaviour

5 ways to challenge your beliefs in the workplace

From the day we’re born, we’re unconsciously absorbing what is around us. Whether it’s through the voices of our parents, at school or online, we’re forming internal opinions and dialogue about people, places, and things. These learnings mean that we’re all carrying some form of unconscious bias and a specific set of value judgements. As…

Filed under: Career Advice Resources
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Workplace culture

QuarterlyFIT January 2022

Top of mind for many will be how to ensure your business is well placed to succeed in 2022 and beyond. A key part of that will be the strategy you have around your people. With that thought we start our first newsletter for the year with the article, Secrets of a Successful Performance Review.

Filed under: Newsletter
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How to create a feedback culture– six steps to follow

Feedback in the workplace is a critical tool for growth, but for many, an annual performance review might be the only feedback they receive. In fact, a recent study found that 96% of employees surveyed wanted more regular feedback from their employers. The same study also revealed that 83% of employees preferred praise over gifts…

Filed under: Articles
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two employers having a discussion