Here are some of our top tips for working effectively from home.
Maintain regular hours
Having set hours indicating when to start and when to stop working can help us maintain a healthy work/home life balance when the environmental distinctions between these two are no longer there. Having a clear morning and evening routine can help with this – activities that signify the beginning or end of the work day, like a coffee in the morning or a walk in the evening.
Choose a dedicated workspace
It might not be possible to have a full home office, but if you can have an area that becomes your office during your work hours, it will help to make the distinction between work and home activities and keep you in the right frame of mind.
Start the day with a team meeting
A great way to get set up for a productive day ahead is to start with a team meeting where you have the opportunity to enjoy interaction with your colleagues and share your plans for the day.
Dress for the life you want, not the life you have
How we dress can have a big effect on our mood. Spending all day working in your pyjamas will likely make you feel like it’s a lazy Sunday at home, not only making it difficult to get in the right headspace for working, but also make it more difficult to maintain that distinction between work and home life. You also don’t want to be caught out with an unexpected video call and you’re in your PJs!
Schedule regular breaks
Make sure you get up and move around regularly, have coffee breaks and eat lunch. Fresh air will be your best friend during this difficult time, so make sure you step outside often to avoid feeling cooped-up!
Socialise with your colleagues
Start an online chat group with your colleagues so that you can stay in touch socially throughout the work day. This helps us feel like we are all in this together – plus gives the opportunity to share pet pictures!
Communicate and understand family expectations
If you have the whole family at home, make sure you all understand each other’s work hours, commitments and availability for a chat. It’s easy to get sidetracked by family and pets (especially pets!), but scheduling time in helps everyone to be productive.
Enjoy the perks
Take advantage of the perks that come along with working at home. Think of all the time you’re probably saving not having to commute! Use this time to do something you enjoy. Do yoga, bake, make art, and so on – these are the things that will stave off boredom and help to release stress.